Creative Services Inherent Added Social Values

Social Impact and
Creating Shared Value
Generated by
Department No.10 of
Design Studio MZ+MM.

Supplier Diversity
& Social Procurement

Design Studio MZ+MM is a Work Integration Social Enterprise, that received the SEE mark and joined the SE Tree Mark. We create opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged and underprivileged groups of creative people. Our design services will be able to fulfill your requirements incorporating inherent social-value added. Besides, we support the UN’s SDG #10 Reduce Inequality as well as #17 Partnerships for the Goals.

laptop computer on business desk image

Social-value Added - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The mission of Design Studio MZ+MM is to promote the artistry of creative people with disabilities or People of Differences. Our vision is to foster social inclusion together with our clientele. As a social benefit supplier, we co-create with our creative partners belonging to different disability groups. Above all, the deliverables of our design services bear much inherent social-value added. Through procuring our services, DE&I is achieved equally needless to undertake employment.

Our inclusive partners in Department No.10 and social outcomes are shown below.

a lot of hands formed a canvas-like plain and a big red heart is painted on those hands

Being Recognised

We are awarded the Best Sustainability Brand in the HKDA Brand Design Awards 2024 organised by the Hong Kong Designers Association.

Find out how creative social procurement can be.

call us at (852) 6557 3346

Our À la carte Proposals.

multiple typesetting portfolio displayed in an array
a publication portfolio

Proposal One

Publication Typesetting • ESG, Sustainability and Impact Reports

Design Studio MZ+MM Impact factsheet infographics

Proposal Two

Visual Language Design • Infographics • Charts • Iconography

portrait image

Proposal Three

Portraits Created by Our PoDs for Your Staffs upon Ad Hoc Purpose

workshop desks and chairs image
painting workshop image

Proposal Four

Eclectic Art Workshops for Corporate Conducted by Our PoDs

Proposal Five

Art Event Sponsorships

  • All artwork created by artists with disabilities | 2-4 weeks duration | Held in multiple commercial venues | Open for Public

  • Public session supplement to exhibition | Separate corporate session | Artists with disabilities as the sharing guest

  • Public session supplement to exhibition | Separate corporate session | Conducted by our artists with disabilities

Find out what’s more behind À la carte.

call us at (852) 6557 3346

Portfolio Supporting our À la carte Proposals.

Download our 3-page presentation for your preliminary study.

Our Impact Factsheet.

Design Studio MZ+MM is an award-winning social enterprise engaging designers with disabilities

Meet Our Inclusive Department No.10

DE&I – our partners belonging to which disability group.

*19 creative partners as of December 2023

DE&I – our partners belonging to which gender.

*19 creative partners as of December 2023

DE&I implementation and social procurement are no longer difficult to carry through. Department No.10 of Design Studio MZ+MM is the uncommon social benefit supplier within reach. Click below to learn about our precedence.

Try Supplier Diversity today.

 Contact us.

    (852) 6557 3346

    *Dedicated hearing staff will receive your voice call.

  • @Dream Impact, Unit C, 4/F,
    760 Cheung Sha Wan Road,
    Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

“In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction.”

— Audre Geraldine Lorde